Filtering your Resources is now available in an easily accessible side panel, opened by clicking the filter icon in the search box at the top of your screen. You can filter both your resources and any active search.
Once you've clicked on the Filter Icon, this will open your Filtering Options side panel. By default the General Options section, including Search Scope, File Formats/Extensions and any Custom Filters specific to your Resources module will be visible.
If you scroll within the side panel menu, you can also open some additional Filter Sections. These include:
- Ownership Details: Ownership Type, Owner & Usage Details
- Dates: Assigned, Created, Last Updated & Review Dates
- Authors: Added by, Last Updated by
- Custom Rules: Allowing you to filter by specific values such as Name, UUID, Descriptions, Keywords, Web URL's or the Resource Type.
- The Resource Type option allows the user to filter by the Type of Resource. They can filter by the following values: File, Web URL, InDesign Template, Remote File or Alias.
To apply a filtering option, simply click the checkbox or select the dropdown option you need to apply. Once you’ve made a selection, a count of the number of active filters will appear in the search bar.
To clear your filters, uncheck or remove the options individually, or click the Clear All button on the bottom of the filter side pane;. You can close the Filter panel and continue browsing your resources. If you can still see a count of filters in your search bar, then you still have active filters and this will be reflected in your display.
Once you navigate to another folder, your filters will automatically be cleared.
To find out more about the Resources module, you can browse other articles here.
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