Your IntelligenceBank platform is able to detect if you are uploading a file that already exists on your platform, and a Duplicate File Warning will appear upon upload of such a file.
This is an smart way to save clutter on your platform, and keep files limited to 'one source of truth'.
What is a Duplicate file?
Duplicate files are files added to your Upload page that are the same file as Resources that exist in your Resources module.
The duplicate check looks for files that are exactly the same, base on the file hash (or md5) signature. Consequently the following may occur:
- If uploading a 'word document' and there's a single word difference within the word document between the existing file on your platform and the new file you are uploading, this will be treated as a different file.
- Likewise, images may appear the same, but if the the size/dimension of the file is even slightly different this will be treated as a different file and uploaded without this a warning.
Duplicate Warning on Upload
The duplicate check will look for files that are exactly the same, even if the file name differs. This is based on the file hash of your file.
The pop-up warning (pictured below) will alert you to which folders the file already exists in within your Resources module.
At the bottom of the popup, buttons give you the choice to:
- Continue and upload the duplicate.
- Skip uploading of the file.
Additionally, there's a checkbox option to Apply Selection to all Uploads. If selected, once you click Continue or Skip, your selection will apply to all other Duplicates detected in your current Upload request. Note that if you add new files and these are duplicates, you will be able to choose which option you would prefer again.
Upload Duplicates
If you add multiples of the same file within a Bulk Upload request, these files will be classified as an Upload Duplicate. All of these files will appear in the Upload list and the user will be given the option to remove or keep the file.
They can also navigate to a Filter, allowing them to view a list of all files which have been added multiple times in the Upload request. You may need to keep or remove these, especially if you're also creating folders.
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