The IntelligenceBank Connector for Wordpress lets users connect to their IntelligenceBank platform directly from within the Wordpress Media management interface.
Installing the Connector
To get started, download the connector here, or search for "IntelligenceBank" from within the Plug-ins area of your Wordpress instance, and then follow the standard plug-in installation steps.
Accessing the Connector
Wordpress 5+
When going to edit a page or a post, you can access your IntelligenceBank platform content via one of the following options:
- Add an IntelligenceBank block. This block option allows you to directly insert and display DAM assets, either as a local copy or as a CDN public link. This is the recommended method for using the connector.
- Add a standard Media, Image, Gallery, Audio, Video, Inline Image, Cover or File block. Overall, any standard block accessing the Wordpress Media Library to add files will display the IntelligenceBank tab, allowing you to login and access your content so it can be inserted into the block. DAM assets can be inserted directly as a local copy, or a public link referenced can be copied to the clipboard for direct use in your content (e.g. via the native "Insert from url" option).
Scroll below for steps on how to authenticate to your IntelligenceBank platform via the IntelligenceBank Connnector for Wordpress.
Wordpress 4
When going to edit a page, a post or a product, or to any view in Wordpress which has the editor enabled, you can access the IntelligenceBank platform by going into the Add Media view and clicking on IntelligenceBank DAM on the left side menu:
To login and start using the connector, enter the following credentials:
Platform URL:
- Simply enter the URL of your IntelligenceBank Platform
- This is the email addressed associated to your IntelligenceBank user account.
- This is the password you setup for accessing your IntelligenceBank user account. If you cannot remember your password, go to your login page to reset it and create a new one.
If you are a Single Sign On user, click on Browser Login to authenticate via the browser after entering the Platform URL.
How to use the Connector
Once logged in, you will be able to browse through your IntelligenceBank folders and content.
To download a file and insert it into a page, simply click DOWNLOAD on the file, and the file will then get added to your Wordpress local Media Library.
You can also choose to insert or reference a Public Link (if enabled on the parent Folder in IntelligenceBank) to the original asset on your DAM (if enabled). The link will then remained tied to that original asset in IntelligenceBank, so if a new version is uploaded, the file will get updated in your Wordpress content automatically. If the original asset is deleted, it will also no longer load from the Wordpress page where it is used. To prevent inadvertent deletion of active public content, make sure to enable the public links auto check-out feature in your platform. Learn more about how to optimize Image Assets with Public CDN Links in IntelligenceBank CMS Connectors here.
In Wordpress 5+, the Public Link action will only directly insert the asset within your content using the IntelligenceBank block. Other blocks will only allow you to copy the link from the interface, and require you to then exit it to paste the link into your content (e.g. via the native "Insert from URL" option).
In Wordpress 4, the Public Link will always get directly populated into the "Insert from URL" screen.
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