The IntelligenceBank Connector for Salesforce Marketing Cloud uses our Universal Connector Web App, and allows users to login to IntelligenceBank, browse folders, download assets to their desktop, or insert public links to Videos, Audio files or Images into the content being edited via the Content Builder of Email Studio.
- Navigate to Marketing Cloud Setup.
- In quick find box type “Installed Packages” and click it.
- In the top right corner click “New”.
- Input a "Name" for the connector, e.g. the name of your IntelligenceBank platform, and optionally a "Description".
- On the package detail page, click “Add Component”, select “Custom Content Clock”, and click "Next".
- Enter the following information.
Name: IntelligenceBank
Endpoint URL:
- https://smc-connector.herokuapp.com/?app=smc_public to enable the Insert Public Link action, which will insert the asset via an IntelligenceBank CDN link. Any update to the Resource in IntelligenceBank will then be automatically reflected against that link. You can also track individual "impressions" of that link against the Resource Usage Reporting in the platform.
- https://smc-connector.herokuapp.com/ to also enable a Download action, which downloads the asset locally. This can be used if you would like to provide the option to upload the asset directly into Salesforce Marketing Cloud and insert a copy of the asset instead of a direct link to it in IntelligenceBank.
- Click Save.
- On the “Access” tab, provide access to the package to the required users.
- Navigate to the content builder to verify the installation.
- Find “IntelligenceBank” under the “Custom” accordion section.
- Just drag & drop it onto the template to start inserting content from IntelligenceBank. Styling options will come up to easily adjust the display of the block and asset.
- Tip: when creating templates, you may want to use placeholder files located in a dedicated Folder in your digital assets library.
Misc Notes
- Due to technical constraints, the Download action will not copy the file automatically across into SMC Email Studio's local storage and assets library. The file will instead be downloaded to the user desktop, and will need to be re-uploaded manually as required to use it as a local copy in SMC Email Studio.
If you have any questions, contact your Customer Success Manager or contact us here
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