The latest updates available on your platform are below. Click on each applicable header to learn more.
Comments on Records / Briefs Upgrade
Users are able to add comments to their Records (Briefs, Tasks, etc) to easily collaborate, ask questions and ensure the right stakeholders are providing feedback. This new update extends this capability so users can @mention specific users to get feedback, as well as resolving comments once the feedback has been addressed.
The Collaborators feature allows users to be added as "Collaborators" to pending Approval Requests for Resources or Record File Requests. They can leave Markup Comments within the request, without needing to actually approve/decline it. This can save you from adding unnecessary Reviewers to a request, yet allows key stakeholders the chance to collaborate and provide key insights.
Prevent Multiple Users from editing a Record at the same time
To prevent the risk of multiple users editing records at the same time and overriding each other's changes, when one user is editing we prevent other users from editing. Users are alerted as to who is currently editing and a timeout ensures they cannot be blocked permanently.
IntelligenceBank Connector for Canva
The IntelligenceBank Connector (or "app") for Canva makes it easy for designers to search, browse and insert approved image, video or audio assets from IntelligenceBank into their designs, and publish those designs back to IntelligenceBank, directly from within Canva.
Other Enhancements
- The Cancel & Send Reminder action in Approvals have been overhauled, improving their speed and ease of use.
- A New Bulk Download setting under Admin > Settings allows a choice of using the Filename or the Resource Name.
- A Save & Continue option for Single Records with no approval allows users to save their work and immediately continue editing.
- Reverting a Staged Record will take users directly to the Continue page, making it faster for them to continue their work.
- The Kanban View supports additional sorting options, allowing users to sort their Cards by Alphabetical Order, Date Created, Last Updated, Sequence ID, Featured Column or Relevance (if search is active).
- Databases' Monthly Calendar View will now directly show the Time on selected Date fields when these have the option enabled.
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