The Main Details section of the Upload window contains many fields to add information to your files. Some of these will be mandatory whilst others will provide additional data that will help with filing, filtering and cataloguing your Resources. This guide contains information to help you understand how to use each field.
- Main Details
- Filters
- Custom Upload Fields
- Publish Approvals
- Adding information to your files in Bulk
- Apply to Selected
- Append or Replace?
- Adding information to a Single file
- Saving a single file
- Error Scenarios
- Filter by Upload Status
- Saving your Resources
Main Details
The first section will always be the Main Details section. This allows users to add values to default fields like Review Date or Resource Date. You can see the most common options in the screenshot below.
One of those fields are Keywords. Keywords are often used to make it easier to find a file. If Auto-Tagging is enabled on your platform for Images, keywords can also be tagged automatically by the system for images.
Note that the Name and Resource Date fields for each file will be automatically be populated with that file's filename and today's date. Leave these blank on your upload form unless you need to override those default values; applying the same name to all selected files.
Filters are created in the Admin > Filters area and allow an easy way for users to tag and group files together. They are often used to make it easier to locate and search for files.
Filters that appear may be specific to a Folder or for specific users. If Filters do not exist for the Resources module, this section will not appear.
You can read more about Filters here.
Custom Upload Fields
Custom Upload Fields are applied to all folders and allow you to add custom fields to your Upload form. This enables you to tailor the information captured about each field and allow for more search options once the files are uploaded.
This section will only appear if this is configured on your platform. Note that as the sections can have custom names, this may appear differently in your platform. You can read more about Custom Upload Fields here.
Publish Approval
A Publish Approval requires users to submit their resources for approval before they are published to a folder and become available for other users.
Adding information to your files in Bulk
There are multiple ways to apply metadata and details to your Resources. The Upload form that appears on the right of your Bulk Upload screen (pictured below) is where you can add your file information and metadata. Sections with a mandatory field will be open by default.
Apply to Selected
The easiest way to apply metadata is to add the value(s) to your form and click the Apply to Selected button located at the bottom right of the Main Details panel (as highlighted below). When selected, the values will be applied to any selected file in the Upload page. The number next to Apply to Selected refers to the number of files selected. If there is a search or Filter selected, this will update to Apply to Results, with the changes only being applied to the files within that results list.
Append or Replace?
The type of field will dictate whether your applied value will replace an existing value or if it will be added to it (appended). For all Single input fields, ie fields which can only ever have 1 value within them, these will always be replaced. This includes all fields except Keywords, Multiple Filters and Multi Select Custom Upload Fields. For the latter, users will be able to choose if they want to append or replace any existing values with the new values selected.
Apply Change Checkbox
Next to each field on the Bulk Upload page is a checkbox. The Apply Change checkbox is automatically enabled whenever a value is added to that field or a change is made, ie if a keyword is removed. The checkbox is enabled to indicate that the field will be applied when the user clicks Apply to Selected. This also allows users to select the checkbox when the field is blank, an easy way to delete existing values if you've made a mistake.
If you have added values and don't want them to apply to your selected files, you can uncheck that option for the relevant fields. If a field is unchecked, no values will be applied when Apply to Selected is clicked.
You can see a demonstration of how to apply changes to batches of files below.
Adding information to a Single file
If you need to customise each individual file with unique metadata, the Single file view allows you to edit and then save each file individually. This makes it simple to confirm and double check the information prior to saving.
You can access the single file view either by switching the view option from list to single or by clicking on the thumbnail, filename or the Edit icon of the file (as done below).
When on the Single file view, all changes are automatically applied to that file.
For example, if I open the Single file view for an image, the changes I make on that page are specific to that image and do not need to be applied. You will still need to Save the file to view that metadata in the folder, which you can do either from your bulk page or by clicking Save & Next, as demonstrated below.
Saving a Single file
If on the Single file view and you click Save & Next, the file will be Saved to your folder and be removed from your upload page. You will automatically be taken to the next file in your list, as it exists on the bulk page.
To get back to your Bulk view, simply switch the view back to list or click the Back button in the top left of the page.
Error Scenarios
The most common type of error is a Field Error, which indicates that a mandatory field has not been filled out and you have tried to save that file. To resolve Field Errors, you can either apply the field in bulk (look out for the mandatory '*') or navigate to the Single File view to resolve the error.
If the file upload has failed, the user will be able to click a retry icon to attempt processing again, or remove the file via the icon highlighted below.
If errors are detected with a file after it has been processed, an alert indicator will be added to the relevant file. This may occur if the file has been detected as a Duplicate file, indicating that it already exists in another folder. It could also appear if a virus has been detected. In both instances, you will need to open the Single file view for the relevant folder and resolve the error.
For Duplicate files, you can also choose to enable an Apply Selection to all Uploads checkbox. This will automatically apply your selection, ie whether you skip or continue uploading, to all other files that have been detected as Duplicates in your current upload request. You can read more about Duplicate detection here or view the demonstration below.
If you upload multiples of the same file within an upload request you will see an Icon (highlighted below), indicating that the file is a duplicate of another file in the Upload list. You can navigate to a specific filter of these items, making it easier to remove the duplicate files. Note that this is separate from the Duplicate Resource handling above.
Filter by Upload Status
The filter option at the top of the upload list allows you to filter to any of the error / progress scenarios of the files in your upload list. For instance, Field Errors will only appear as an option if a file with a field error exists. If you select that option then only files with Field Errors will appear, making it easy to identify the files that need to be updated.
Saving your Resources
All the metadata applied to the files, and the files themselves, won't appear in your Folder until they have been saved. To save the files individually, go to the Single file view and click Save & Next or Save & Exit.
To save your files in bulk, select the files you wish to save and click the Save Selected & Continue button at the bottom of your page. This will save only those files which are selected and completed; ie they have no errors and have completed processing. Once you click the save button, you won't be able to work on those selected items anymore as they will be saved to your folder and removed from your upload list. Depending on the number of files and their size, it may take a minute or two to save and remove these files. You can see an example of this below.
Note that IE 11 users will not be able to access this version of Bulk Upload.
Please note that the 'Resources' terminology referenced above may appear differently in your platform as these are customisable terms. You can view alternative options here.
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