The newest updates to your platform are below.
Click on the item name to read more on each new feature or update.
New Permission Setting for Resources
An additional option in Admin > Settings allows you to restricts the ability to Delete items in a folder to Main Admin users only. Users with Publish level permission will not be able to delete items. This reduces the risk for your resources to be deleted by accident.
Restrict editing on Database sections
You can now restrict the ability for select groups of users to Edit certain Sections of Database Records. This can be set on each section in the Form Builder area, and can be used for when one section of a form needs to be filled in by the end user, but another section is for 'Admin only' to complete.
Updates to Auto-Create Folder permissions for cloned structures
For clients using the new Auto-Create Folder feature, custom permission rules can now be applied to the cloned Folder structure. There are options to keep the original permissions, apply the permissions of the parent folder, or merge permissions (applies the highest level available).
Other notable items recently released:
Resources: Folder icons update
Platform White Label: Removal of 'Sun' icon from platform
2-Factor Authentication is also now available for AU Clients
This is an additional level of Security that is provided as an Add-on within the platform. If enabled, the user will receive a text message with a verification code that they need in order to log-in. Consequently, a valid mobile number is mandatory for any users who this applies to. Please contact us for more details.
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