There are many different ways to search for and access the content you are looking for across the platform. The information below provides instruction how how to best utilise all the navigation options available so that you can find what you are looking for a seamlessly as possible.
- Opening your Folder Side Panel
- Browsing using the Side Panel
- Searching your Folders
- Editing your Folders
- Re-ordering Folders
Opening your Folder Side Panel
When you first open your Resources module, or if you click the Hamburger icon (highlighted below), the Folder Side Panel will appear. You can also click that icon or the close icon, to minimise the Side Panel.
Browsing using the Side Panel
When open, you'll be able to view and scroll through all of your folders. The initial view will be your top level (ie Root level) folders. Some of your folders may have an arrow pointing to the right, indicating there are Sub-Folders within that folder.
You can also see a count against each folder, for e.g. 2 Sub-Folders, 13 Resources. This indicates that there are 4 Sub-Folders and 95 Resources within the folder itself (Brand Guidelines).
Searching your folders
At the top of the Folder Side Panel, you’ll be able to see a row with the text “Search folder(s)”. Type the name of a folder to see a list of all folders that match the search keyword. The keywords can be matched in either the Title or the Description.
In the results, you can see a small Folder Icon, which, on click, will display the folder’s breadcrumb. Click on this or on the folder itself, to open the content of that folder.
You can also click the Folder Home icon in the Folder search bar, which will automatically close all open folder structures, taking you back to your Top Level folder view.
Editing your Folders
At the bottom of the Folder Side Panel, you’ll be able to see an option with the text "Edit Folders". In this option, you can select single or multiple folders and; Bulk Apply Changes, Delete Selected, and Move Selected.
Bulk Apply Changes allows you to; Order, Layout, whether you Allow Comments, Enable Public Sharing, Enable Annotations on Documents, and Enable Annotations on Images.
Delete Selected allows you to delete the folders.
Move Selected allows you to move the folders to a new destination.
Re-ordering Folders
At the bottom of the Folder Side Panel, you’ll be able to see an option with the text "Re-order Folders". In this option, you can select single or multiple folders and re-order their position. Clicking the back arrow in the top left-hand corner will save your changes.
To find out more about the Resources module, you can browse other articles here.
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