Once you have collated assets to your platform, you can also easily share them with registered or non-registered users on the platform. Here are the key ways to share an asset, links to articles.
Use these steps to share a link to one or more resources. To share a single asset:
- On the top navigation bar, select Asset Library-Collections
- In the top right hand corner, select the Shared Settings
- This will take you to the Share Resource window
- On the left hand side, you will see the collection you are trying to share. On the right hand side, you will see the Share Link Options - there are two types of Share Links
Internal Share Link (Registered Users)
- This type is for users with an account on the platform. Users or groups can be selected. To determine if a user is registered on the platform, you can do a search to locate a user. If the user does not appear in the drop-down, please proceed to use the public share option for non-registered users.
Public Share Link (Non-Registered Users)
- This type is for non-registered users, who do not have a login or account for the platform. You can send non-registered users a public link to the asset and apply a link expiry date and time and come back to manage the link expiry date and time.
Registered User
To share a collection with a registered user on the platform, select Internal Share Link (Registered Users).
- Select the recipient/s in the user or groups drop-down
- Once you have selected the user/group, select the Load Users button, to add to the Recipients list. You may add more than one recipient.
- Edit the email Subject
- Edit the email Message
Once you are happy with the email, you can select from the following:
- Copy Internal Link - This allows you to copy a direct link to share in your local email, messenger, Slack or teams.
- Email Internal Link & Close - Allows you to send a direct email
Non - Registered User
To share a collection with a non-registered user on the platform, select Public Share Link (Non Registered Users).
- Enter the recipient/s email address
- Select the Add Recipient button, to add to the Recipients list. You may add more than one recipient.
- Edit the email Subject
- Edit the email Message
Once you are happy with the email, select both buttons (in order):
- Generate Share Link
- Email Internal Link & Close - Allows you to send a direct email
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