When a Resource item is uploaded into IntelligenceBank, it is automatically indexed for search.
Users can search by keywords and retrieve matches by default on the Title, Description, Keywords, Content, Unique Id, Text Based Custom Upload Fields & Embedded Metadata* of Resources.
Select Fields & Filters can also be matched with a free text query, but need to be surrounded by "" if the field value has multiple words. Only results where all the words are inputted will be matched. For better results, use the dropdowns in the Filters section of the search side panel. Note that Select Fields & Filters matches can only be identified via free text search when using the platform, not the API.
Date fields are also searchable via the date based filtering conditions in the search side panel.
Learn more about custom upload fields and metadata mapping.
Search results are ranked by match relevance, you can quickly see where in the title, description, filters, content or metadata the keyword has matched the item.
Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT can improve your search results by combining or limiting terms. Boolean logic is a system of showing relationships between sets by using the words "AND," "OR," and "NOT."
Some examples:
Operator | Search Term | IntelligenceBank Notes |
None | ying yang | ying yang : is the same as ying OR yang : which is any documents that contain ying or yang |
Quotations | “ying yang” | “ying yang” : any documents that contain the exact phrase “ying yang” |
And | ying AND yang | ying AND yang : any documents that contain both the words ying and yang |
And (no space) | ying ANDyang | ying ANDyang : any documents that contain the word ying OR the word ANDyang |
And (+ no space) | ying +yang | ying +yang : any documents that contain the word yang and may also contain the word ying |
And (+) | ying + yang | ying + yang : any documents that contain the word yang and may also contain the word ying |
And (& no space) | ying &yang | ying &yang : any documents that contain the words ying or the word yang |
And (&) | ying & yang | ying & yang : any documents that contain the words ying or the word yang |
And (combination) | ying AND “yang” | ying AND “yang” : any documents that contain both the words ying and yang |
And (combination) | ying+”yang” | ying+”yang” : any documents that contain the word yang and may also contain the word ying |
And (combination) | “ying”+”yang” | “ying”+”yang” : any documents that contain the word yang and may also contain the word ying |
And (no spaces) | yingANDyang | yingANDyang : any documents that contain the word yingANDyang |
And (no spaces) | ying+yang | ying+yang : any documents that contain the word yang and may also contain the word ying |
And (no spaces) | ying&yang | ying&yang : any documents that contain the word yang or the word ying |
Or | ying OR yang | ying OR yang : any documents that contain the word yang or the word ying |
Not | ying NOT yang | ying NOT yang : any documents that contain the word ying but not the word yang |
Not (- no space) | ying –yang | ying –yang : any documents that contain the word ying but not the word yang |
Not (-) | ying – yang | ying – yang : any documents that contain the word ying or the word yang |
Notes : + is not equivalent to AND | ||
& is not equivalent to AND | ||
+ requires the following term to exist in the document | ||
&& is an equivalent to AND |
Note that all queries displayed above are case sensitive and need to be executed exactly as displayed.
You can also use wildcards (*) on either end of a search word to return partial word results. e.g. "*man" will match "woman"; "man*" will match "mannequin"; "*man*" will match any word which includes the characters "man", so either "woman" or "mannequin".
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