The Stats module allows you to save custom reports on specific Tools, such as Resources, Workflows (Requests & Responses), Surveys and Databases. You can add conditions and columns to further refine your report.
The IntelligenceBank Stats module also allows you to save your report so you can run it whenever needed. Permissions can apply as per rules set under Admin > Groups.
The Export feature will automatically generate your desired report into an Excel xls. file. If the file has under 1000 results, it will download immediately upon generation. If it has more than 1000 results, it will be sent to your user email address once generated.
Note that only reports with up to 25,000 results are supported in a single report for export. If your report has more results, please use the Data Conditions to filter these further. You can notably filter by UUIDs to break down a large amount of resources (e.g. starts with 0,1,2,4 for the first report; starts with 5,6,7 for the second report, and starts with 8,9 for the third report).
* Note that the name given to modules, features and information items may vary in your platform as they can be customised by Main Admin users.
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