Web-to-Print - A new add-on available to your platform, the 'Web-to-Print' tool allows you to add InDesign templates to your IntelligenceBank platform. These templates can have fixed fields that users can work within, ensuring they stay within the brand and design guidelines you require while empowering users to make required customizations themselves as required.
Email Link to Agenda - You can now email a link directly to an Agenda.
iPad app update: IntelligenceBank links in emails will automatically open within your app, taking you directly into the linked file, folder, or agenda.
Download options Presets - Admin users can now create download presets with custom names and specific download requirements for quick usage (e.g. Linkedin Header, 1000 * 100 pixels, JPEG, 100% Compression).
Bulk Actions update - The process for bulk actions has been updated to enhance its usability. You will now see checkboxes always available in both list and thumbnail views for your Resources. You can also now easily select all files with a single click.
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