This feature is currently only available for clients using the upgraded Approvals List. If you are yet to upgrade and wish to please contact your Customer Success Manager.
When Workflows are enabled as Requester's Choice, the user who submitted a request can now re-assign their request if they need to.
There are two main scenarios supported here:
- When no Reviewers have been pre-configured, and the Requester could originally select any user from the platform to review their request (typically, this is for Feedback workflows.)
- When there is a pre-configured 'pool' of Reviewers the Requester can select from, but they were not originally required to select them all, and did not.
For these scenarios, if the Requester has selected the wrong reviewer, or if who the reviewers needed to be has simply changed after the request was submitted, the Requester can now re-assign to other reviewer(s).
To read further details about this feature, click to jump to the relevant section below:
- Workflow Configurations that support Requester Re-assign
- Requester Reassign supported locations
- Who can a request be Re-assigned to?
- Conditional Reviewers and Requester Re-assign
- Changes in configuration handling & restrictions
- Re-assign in Usage Reporting
Workflow Configurations that support Requester Re-assign
In the Workflow settings, 'Requester's Choice' must be selected as such:
- If Reviewer Nomination Type is in 'Users', then 'Requester's Choice' must be selected in the Which Reviewers field:
- If Reviewer Nomination Type is in 'Groups', then 'Requester's Choice' must be selected in the Which Groups field:
For Database Record Publish, or Record File Approval workflows, if Conditional Reviewers is enabled, and the condition has been met, then Requester reassign will be supported if the Condition Set has Required Approvals is set to 'One' (not 'All').
Requester Reassign supported locations
In the upgraded Approvals List, Re-assign will display for the Requester in the Actions column:
A pop-up will then open for the Requester to choose other Reviewers from:
Note that depending on other configuration settings, Reviewers who are yet to respond can also be removed by the Requester at this time (the number of Required Approvals must still be met).
Requester Re-assign is also supported via the Grouped Approval Review Page, and also the Bulk Review Pages.
Requester Re-assign is not supported in the legacy version of the Approvals List, or via Stats Reporting.
Who can a request be Re-assigned to?
If Reviewer Nomination Type is in 'Users' for a Workflow, then who is available for the Requester to re-assign to follows the below logic:
- When no Reviewers have been pre-configured, and the Requester could originally select any user from the platform to review their request, then they can do so here.
- When Reviewers have been pre-configured, then the Requester can select from that pool of Reviewers to re-assign to.
- In many cases this will match the same Reviewers they could have originally selected from.
- Note however that if the pre-configured Reviewers in the Workflow Settings has changed between original request, and time of re-assign, that the current configured Reviewers will be available as options to reassign to.
If Reviewer Nomination Type is in 'Groups' for a Workflow, then who is available for the Requester to re-assign to follows the below logic:
- When no Groups have been pre-configured, then any platform user who belongs to any Group can be selected (noting that this excludes users who are only set up as 'User-As-Group' and do not otherwise belong to a group.)
When Groups has been pre-configured as the Reviewers, then the Requester can select from the users from that group, or Groups, to re-assign to.
- If pre-configured Reviewer Groups have changed between request time and re-assign time, then only users from the currently configured Groups will be available to re-assign to.
For Conditional Reviewer scenarios, some more complex scenarios may dictate re-assign behaviour that is different from above. Keep reading for more details.
Conditional Reviewers and Requester Re-assign
For Database Record and Record File Approval Workflows, when they are enabled for Conditional Reviewers, and when the number of Required Approvers is set to ‘One’, then who Requesters can re-assign to may change. This could include when:
- The conditional trigger no longer applies (ie, data in the record might have been edited since original request was made)
- The Conditional Sets (where multiple exist) have since been re-ordered so that the original Set is no longer the highest matching Set.
- The Condition Set used to dictate the original Conditional Reviewers has been deleted.
- Conditional Reviewers has been disabled altogether for this Workflow.
When the above has occurred, at the time Re-assign is clicked, we check to see if the Default (fallback) Reviewer configuration (the one used when no Conditional Set rule is matched) is set to Requester's Choice. If so, the Default Reviewers will be available to re-assign to. If not, then the Requester will see an error explaining that "Reviewer conditions have changed. Re-assign may not be supported.” and no users will be available to re-assign to.
Note that for Conditional Reviewers scenarios, if the number of Required Approvers is set instead to ‘All’, that the re-assign action will still show for the Requester, but a message in the pop-up will confirm that "Re-assign is not supported as all selected Reviewer(s) are required to approve."
Note that Workflow Admins and platform Main Admins can always re-assign such pending requests, even when the above has occurred, and Reviewers for pending requests can also re-assign to replace themselves with another user.
Changes in configuration handling & restrictions
If any of the below occurs when a request is in Pending, Re-assign will no longer be available for the Requester:
- The Workflow Settings linked to a request are edited to no longer be Requester's Choice
- The Workflow Settings has since been removed for the Folder / Database / Multi Upload Field
- The Workflow Settings has since been replaced by a different Workflow.
- The Workflow Template linked to a request has been deleted from the platform.
Note that Workflow Admins and platform Main Admins can always re-assign pending requests, even when the above has occurred, and Reviewers for pending requests can also re-assign to replace themselves with another user.
Re-assign in Usage Reporting
As of 26 March 2024, Re-assign actions are being tracked and can be seen in the Usage Reporting that can be accessed by Main Admin users under Admin > Users.
Within this Usage tracking, “(Show Details)” is clickable which will open a Reassign Details pop-up displaying further info about the action:
- Stage will show stage of request (or “N/A” if not staged) that re-assign occurred on.
- Previous Value will show who the Reviewers were prior to this re-assign action occurring.
- Changed Value will show who the Reviewers are after re-assign occurred.
This helps Admin users keep track of who is re-assigning, and to whom, in cases where it may appear that the current reviewers have changed.
* Please note that some of the terms used above such as Workflows & Approvals are customisable and may appear differently in your platform.
Navigating your Approval Request List
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