When searching, or even when you're just trying to filter the Resources within a Folder, you can now Filter further using the keywords tagged against your Resource(s) or by refining the Tag field.
How to Filter by Tag field
When Keywords has been selected in Search Scope and additional filter section appears called Keyword / Tags Options. Here you can refine which field your search term should appear in.
You can also filter by File Format which will further refine the Keyword / Tags Option section to the relevant fields.
How to Filter by Keyword(s)
1. Open the Filtering Options side panel and go to the Filters section (highlighted below) beneath the General Options. Note that if you're on a small screen, you may need to scroll to this option.
2. The first Filtering Option in this section is called Keywords. Click on the field and a dropdown menu will open (see below). This contains a list of all the keywords that are tagged against each Resource in that Folder/ Search (up to 5,000). As you select keywords, the results on the right will automatically filter down to match the keywords selected. For example, if there are 15 Resources and only 10 match the Keyword Filter option selected, then only 10 Resources will appear in your Resources List.
You can select one, or multiple keywords, as well as searching for a specific keyword within that dropdown menu.
In the example above you can also see a count next to each keyword, for e.g. wall (10). This is the count of visible Resources that has that keyword tagged against it.
The options available in this dropdown will also update based on the Resources still available, ie those Resources that haven't been filtered out. As you filter your Resources, this dropdown will also update, depending on the keywords still available. The more keywords you select, the less Resources (and Keywords) you are likely to see because the Filters applied are getting more specific.
3. To clear your Filters and return to the folder, either click the X icon next to the Keywords, or click Clear to remove the Keyword Filter.
To view other Filtering options, click here.
Note that some terms used above, like Resources, may appear differently on your platform as this term is customisable.
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