The newest updates to your platform are below. Click on the title of each Feature to read more.
Tracking and Governance of Public Files
For those who share their Files publicly, by using either the Share or Embed function, new usage tracking features are now available. These features ensure you can easily see where the files are being used, which of these are actively in use and how you can lock down the file so it can't be deleted.
New Interface for tracking the Usage of Public Files
If a user clicks on the Public (Planet) icon relating to a file, they will be taken to a new interface; the Public Usage Tracking page. This view allows users to view data specific to each individual public file. Information they can view includes:
- The number of times (Impressions) it has been viewed.
- The location of the file.
- The amount of versions that exist for the file, for example any presets that exist, as well as the impressions & locations related to each.
- Amount of storage data used for the file.
Indicator for Active Public Files
This will provide an indicator to all users that the file is actively in use and has been used or viewed within the past 30 days. This Active status applies when a public file (one that is linked to from the platform) is viewed on any external site, after which point the Public icon (the Planet), will turn Green.
Option to Auto Checkout any Public Files that are Active
If files are being used publicly; this new feature allows you to lock down the file so it cannot be Moved or Deleted. This ensures the public version of the file will remain where it is unless those with adequate permissions decide to either update or remove it.
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