To reduce the risk of a user accidentally deleting or moving a Resource that has an active Public CDN Link, and thus breaking the link, the Auto-Check Out feature enables the automatic locking of Resources that have a Public CDN link that has been actively used at least once in the past 30 days.
Enabling the Feature
In the Admin section, go to the Resources - Public Sharing section and enable the Auto-Checkout for Active Public Files field option.
Restricted Actions
Once enabled in the Admin area, any publicly enable File with a Public CDN Link that has been used/viewed in the past 30 days (on an external site) will be automatically checked out. This means that only certain users (with adequate permission) will be able to Delete or Move the file. Both of these actions would "break" the Shared link, removing the file from your external site.
These permissions (regarding who can Delete or Move the file) are based on the options selected for the Check In / Check Out Feature in Admin Settings. Either the Resource or Folder Admin option/s are the recommended selection for this feature.
A Lock icon will appear next to any public file which has been locked out due to the Auto-Check Out function.
An easy way to recognize Active Public Files is to look at the Public (planet) icon, as this will change to green if the file Public CDN Link is active. You can read more about ways to identify Resources with active Public CDN Links here.
You can read more about Public Sharing here.
Please note that some of the terminology in this article, such as 'Files' and 'Resources' might appear differently in your platform as these terms are customisable.
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