Intended Audience - General User
Users will now be able to search for a specific Database within the Database Side Panel. This makes finding a Database easy & also allows for fast navigation between Databases.
Searching for a Database
At the top of the Database Side Panel, you’ll be able to see a row with the text “Search Databases”. Simply type the name of a Database to see a list of all databases that match the search keyword. You'll see a list of suggestions automatically appearing that reflect previous searches. Close this dropdown by hitting enter on your keyboard or clicking anywhere else on the page.
The keywords can be matched in either a Database's Title or Description.
As you can see below, all Databases that match the keyword 'Request*' have been displayed beneath the Search Bar. To open a Database, simply click on the row.
To close the search, click the small cross circle, or the back button. Both will take you back to your previous view.
Navigating via the Database Side Panel
You can also use the Database side panel to quickly switch between Databases. As this panel can be opened even when you're viewing the records of a Database, you can open the panel, click the title of another Database and it will automatically refresh the page to your new selection.
You can read more about your Databases module here.
Please note that the 'Database' and 'Records' terminology referenced above may appear differently in your platform as these are customisable terms.
If you have any further questions please contact your Customer Success Manager.
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