The newest updates available on your platform are below. Click on the title of each Feature to read more.
In an improvement to both the existing Upload and Embedded Metadata Extraction functionality, users can now customize their upload form with additional file types, and configure how system fields should be mapped with embedded fields available within your rich media content.
Custom Upload Fields
This functionality allows additional fields to be added to the Upload form. When users are uploading or updating existing Resources, they will be able to input data into these additional fields.
These additional field options can help enrich the metadata captured about each Resource, for example allowing to add in a Usage Rights Expiry date in addition to the default Review Date, or to capture the purchasing cost of a stock media asset.
Metadata Mapping
For rich media driven platforms that leverage files embedded metadata information, this upgrade allows for additional customization options to map specific system fields, ie Name, Review Date, Owner, etc; with the embedded metadata information available within each file. It can also do the opposite, ensuring that the Resource embedded metadata is synced with the System fields captured data.
This makes it easier to tailor the information you need to see on your files within the platform and ensures that data you embed offline using your favorite software (e.g. Adobe Bridge), is being mapped to system fields automatically.
To find out more about these features, either click on the titles above or contact your Customer Success Manager.
Please note that the Resources terminology referenced above may appear as another name in your platform as these are customizable terms. You can see examples of what terminology may appear on your site here.
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