The latest updates available on your platform are below. Click on the title of each Feature to read more.
@mentions support in Markup Comments
Proofing, aka Markup Comments now supports the ability to tag specific users in a comment, making it easier to ensure the right users respond to feedback. Users will be able to tag participants in the Workflow Request, as well as any other users in the platform who have permission to add comments to the Request.
When a user is mentioned, they will receive an email alert - informing them they've been tagged in a comment.
You can read more about those changes here.
Smart Compare feature now supported for Revisions / Versions
For those using the Compare feature within Proofing & Markup Comments, a new option that automatically highlights text changes is now available. When 2 Document files exist and the user selects them and clicks Compare, they will now be given multiple options. When Highlight text changes is selected, users will see the two Document files displayed side by side, with the text differences between the two files highlighted.
You can read more about that feature here.
The Microsoft Office 365 Connector allows IntelligenceBank users with an existing Office 365 Account to create and edit compatible Microsoft documents, all without leaving the platform.
Users can create a new Office document directly within a Folder using the Add button or users can Edit existing Office documents that are already in a folder.
Any edits to Office Files appear in the “Working Files” area, the Working Files area is where all active Edits of Microsoft Document files exist, here users can collaborate and work on their changes before saving or updating as an actual Resource.
Users can also Edit Office documents within a Workflow during an Approval. When editing, a pending Revision/Version appears, other Workflow users may then join the document, provide comments, track changes or edit themselves.
Upon saving, the Office Document becomes a new Revision/Version and replaces the existing Resource.
Note that this is a paid add-on. If you're interested and want to learn more, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
Misc Items
- Global and Single Presets are now available for selection as part of either the Download or Public Link actions in the Universal Connector Google Chrome Extension, and the IntelligenceBank Connector for Wordpress, Drupal, Contentful and Salesforce.
- Check In and Check Out Resource actions are now supported as standalone calls in the API. See the documentation here. The action can also be set directly as part of the Update Resource call.
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