The newest updates available are listed below. Click on the title of each Feature to read more.
The Single Download functionality across the platform has now been upgraded with a new UI and options for Downloading Single Images and Documents. Alongside the Video Download features released last year, users will be able to select multiple transformation options, depending on the file they are downloading.
Images will be able to have more enhanced transformation options, using the options already available in Presets, like live cropping and aspect ratio. They can also download more than 1 version of the image at a time.
Those downloading Documents will be able to download a PDF version or convert to an image and apply transformations like crop or altering the page selection.
Bulk Download Upgrade
As part of the Single Download release, support for Single Presets will now be supported in the Bulk Download Transformations pages. This will allow users to customise individual images within a bulk download request; providing greater flexibility and more specific options.
Multiple new options have been added to the Conditional Reviewer feature. With these updates, users can now select multiple types of Reviewer, including multiple Users, User Lookup fields and Leaders. They can also select a combination of those options.
Additionally, Staged Workflows with Conditional Reviewers no longer need to have at least two stages selected, so the amount of Stages for Reviewers can also be dependant on the conditions entered. For example, a record may need to be approved by different Groups based on the output of the Project. One output may require the Marketing Team only (1 Stage of Approval), whilst the other might require Marketing, then Legal (2 Stages of Approval).
You can now easily monitor user engagement by seeing the actions of all Users in a single Usage Report, which can also be exported as a xls spreadsheet.
You can filter the Usage Report results down to specific date ranges, to Groups of Users, Users from select Divisions, specific Users, and/or to actions within specific Modules.
New API Calls
Filters objects are now accessible via the API. With these new calls, you can:
- Retrieve the list of Filters with their corresponding values and restrictions (Folders or Divisions), as set under Admin > Filters. Admin permission is required.
- Retrieve a specific Filter and its corresponding values for form input. No permission is required. Any restriction will already be applied to the authenticated user making the request.
Custom Form Fields ("formData") can now be partially updated in Update Record and Update Resource calls by simply adding:
"options": {
"partialFormData": true
What this means is that you do not need to provide the entire form definition anymore to make custom form updates to a Resource or Record.
You can now use .foreignfields in the Records List query URL (same location as .limit, .order and .fields), to request fields from a foreign object to also be included in the response.
For example, if you have a list of Creative Brief Records, which contains a Lookup field to a Campaign Record, you can use the .foreignfields property to request for the Campaign Lookup value returned in the Creative Brief result to also include additional form information relating to that Campaign. Note that the field uuid to label mapping can be retrieved using the dedicated Custom Form Request API call.
.foreignField(93eedc7b06d1cb78c387ebf747f3aad5.recordTitle, 93eedc7b06d1cb78c387ebf747f3aad5.76b9a79bafaec71c69a6262c08614b5f)
Will return:
"93eedc7b06d1cb78c387ebf747f3aad5": [
"bfe0f8e07b2dd9f6741cbbc4aae93efb": {
"recordTitle": "This is the name of the Campaign record as displayed in the front end",
"76b9a79bafaec71c69a6262c08614b5f": "This is the Campaign foreign field value"
As always, if you have any questions about these new features, please contact your Customer Success Manager, or contact us here
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