The newest updates available on your platform are below. Click on the title of each Feature to read more.
Updates to Image Transformations, remove Greyscale option
If you do not want your users to be able to select Greyscale in the Color Space field as part of Advanced Image Transformations, this option can now be hidden. Contact your Customer Success Manager to find out more or click here to read more about your Image Transformation options.
Coming soon to Approvals - Proofing & Markup Comments
Proofing adds a new collaborative space to your Approvals area; ensuring the back & forth discussion that occurs during the creation and publishing of a Resource file takes place within a single Approval Request, making it trackable and compliant.
All of the changes below will be available as part of Resources Feedback or Publish Approval Requests:
- When a Reviewer goes to the Review Request action in Workflows, an upgraded Review Request page will appear. The Markup Comments button on this page loads our newest feature. Note that this will not replace the existing Annotations or Comment options available elsewhere.
- The Markup Comments page (see below) will allow Reviewers and Requestor to add comments and annotations live as a discussion takes place about an asset. Users can reply to other comments, creating a comment thread about key items.
- Image, Documents and Videos will all be supported for Markups, with specific annotations and features available for some file types. For example, video annotations will support time-based annotations, whilst Documents will have additional text annotations.
- Comments can be marked as Resolved when the item has been addressed, or Unresolved if further changes are required.
- New Revisions (Publish Requests) or Versions (Feedback Requests) of the file can be added within the Markup Comments page, ensuring the progression of the file through multiple revisions and updates takes place within the same approval request. For a Publish Request for instance, this will allow you to trace the history of the file from the moment it gets added to the platform, through all the iterations to when it is approved and made available to others.
- Alerts will instantly be sent to Reviewers & Requestors involved in the Approval Request. Users can also customize which actions they want to be notified about.
This will be the first phase of Proofing on the platform, with more enhancements to come. If you have any questions about this update, please contact your Customer Success Manager or contact us here
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