The latest updates available on your platform are below.
Users are now able to mark a Record as Archived, allowing you to hide Records you don't want to see anymore, whilst ensuring they are still available when needed.
This is a configurable option that can be enabled on each database. Users with Admin Permission on a Database's Records will be able to Archive Records individually or in Bulk once the setting is enabled.
Records can be unarchived and can also still be viewed via a Database filter; ensuring all data is maintained.
You can read more about this feature here.
Database & Workflow Reporting Enhancements
- When Reporting on Databases > Multi Upload fields, each file will appear on its own line, allowing reporting on individual assets within the 1 field. With this update, you could run a report to see the current Approval Status and how many Approval Revisions have been added for each file; giving a clear view on which requests still need to be completed and where areas for improvement could lie.
- Users can also view / filter by the: File Name, Creator, Created Time, Approval Status, File Approval Revisions and Published Location
- When Reporting on All or Individual Workflow Requests, Users can now select a “Time to Complete” option. This means that for any Approval request in the system, you can now report on how long it took that request to be completed.
- In Databases > Records > the Time to Complete for Record File Approvals can be displayed on the Record itself. This allows all users to quickly get an indication of how long each request has taken to be completed. This option is configurable and can be enabled / disabled in the Form Builder > Multi Upload Field.
Navigation updates to Resources module
The Resources module is now easier to navigate when you have large amounts of folders and subfolder. The addition of folder indentation, allows easy browsing of subfolders, all while navigating in the left-hand navigation pane.
It is also easier to see where you within a subfolder with the expansion of the breadcrumb navigation, expanding the amount of folders visible at once and providing an easy way to navigate back and forth between parent folders as required.
Read more about the changes to the navigation here and the breadcrumbs here.
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