The newest updates to your platform are below. Click on the title of each Feature to read more.
A range of new settings have been released, increasing the ability to control what changes users can make to their InDesign Templates. Some of the new options include:
- Choose where the user can select images from
- Ability to show & restrict text and colour options
- Advanced image palette options enabling rotations, alignment, etc.
New Assign Permission for Groups
This is a new permission level available within the Admin Module, for Groups-based permissions. When enabling users to assign others to Groups, they can either have Assign or Manage permission. With Manage permission, they can add users and change the permissions/settings of a specific Group. The Assign permission enables them to only add or remove users to the group/s.
- Bulk Move now support Aliases.
- User Look Up field alerts now support Send Conditions.
- When searching for a user under Admin > Groups, you can now enter their email address, and also search by a specific extension using *
To find out more about the Web-To-Print add-on or Permissions on your platform, you can browse other articles here. If you have any questions about any of the features above, please don't hesitate to contact your Customer Success Manager.
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