This article will explain how to create custom Alerts on a database. As an example, we will setup alerts for an Actions Register, but this feature can be used for a variety of use cases (e.g. managing tasks for a marketing campaign).
A video tutorial is also available here.
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Adding a Date Field Alert
Published Date Alert
All databases can have alerts set up based on the Published Date of the record.
Here 'published' is defined by when a record is either successfully first created and saved, or if it is sent for approval then it will be classified as 'published' once approved.
Date Field Alerts
Date Alerts Configuration
- The Creator of the Record. This is useful both as a 'receipt' of the record creation, as well as additional confirmation when a record may have been approved and published after a delay undergoing approval process
- User(s) who have been added into the User Lookup field, for example an 'Assignee' for that record/task. This is particularly helpful to alert users to items they need to action.
- You can also select specific Users or Groups of users to receive the alert, in case some users need to be alerted for each record

Adding a User or Group Lookup Field Alert
User Lookup Alert
Group Lookup Alert
Likewise, recipients can be drawn from a Group Lookup field within the record. Multiple groups are supported - if more than one group is selected then users from both/all groups can receive the alert - but noting there is a limit of 100 maximum possible recipients for this Alert type.
- This applies in an alpha-sort within or across groups, for examples:
- If a Group has 150 users in it, then the first 100 users based on alpha sort of their first name will apply as those who may receive the alert
- If two Groups are selected, and both have 75 users each, then the users are combined and the first 100 users based on alpha sort of their first names across either group may receive the alert (noting that if the same users are in both groups, they will only receive the alert once.)
User / Group Lookup Alert Configuration
For both User and Group Lookup alerts - for Single Databases only - you can also elect to include any changes made to the record within the alert email. Select the Include Change Details checkbox to include a list of all changes made to the updated record. This setting will only be applied when the record has been updated (not when it is first submitted) and the alert will be sent immediately after a record has been updated and saved.
- For this to occur, the Email Frequency must be set to either 'On Submission and Updates' or 'On Updates only'

You can read more about your Databases module here.
Please note that the 'Database', and 'Records' terminology referenced above may appear differently in your platform as these are customisable terms.
If you have any further questions please contact your Customer Success Manager.
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