The newest updates available on your platform are below. Click on the title of each Feature to read more.
Annual Calendar Range
An Annual range is now available on the Databases Calendar view. This allows you to see a yearly view of all your Records within a Database.
Multi Date Ranges
In addition to selecting a Calendar Start and End Date, you can now set multiple dates and ranges on the Database Calendar view. This means you can view your record multiple times as it progresses through the various stages of your project or campaign. For example, you may want to see the start and end dates of the multiple stages of a marketing campaign, from inception to launch.
Each date or range enabled can have a custom name so they can be easily identified on the calendar view.
Display Lookup Records in Calendar view
You can now display Records from a Linked Database directly within your current Calendar view.
For example, if there are two Databases (Project Database and a Tasks Database) linked together via Lookup fields, you can now see the linked Tasks of a Project directly from the Project's calendar view, and vice versa.
The Records will display according to the default Calendar Dates that are set in the Linked Database and visual indicators will make it easy to see which records are linked, and what they are linked to.
Lookup Grid Fields now available when editing Records
Previously, Lookup Grid fields which display 'children' records from a linked database were only visible while viewing a record. They are now also visible while editing the record.
Dashboards and Database Filtering
Updates to Dashboard and Database Filtering Conditions for Lookup Fields within Records
Numerous updates have now been released which enable more advanced ways of viewing the lookup relationship between Records in various Databases, the items above included. The Filtering conditions now supported in your Databases are also supported in your Dashboard conditions. With these updates you can now:
- Filter by Records that are 2 Databases apart
For example, a user might have 3 Databases; Campaigns, Briefs (which has a Lookup to Campaigns) and Tasks (which has a Lookup to Briefs). The user can now set conditions or filters to view all Tasks which Lookup to Briefs where the Campaign selected in the Brief is X. - Filter by Records in other Databases via a User Lookup or Lookup field value
For example, in the Campaign database from the example above, there may be a User Lookup field called Assignee. You can now see all Tasks which Lookup to a Campaign where the Assignee value (on the Campaign Record) has been selected as Jane Smith or the Logged In user. This allows users to view any Task which is related to content more specific to them. This will also work if you're filtering by the record values within those Databases.
Misc Updates to Note
- If a record Page doesn't have any field to display to the user, it will now be hidden automatically.
- In Weekly/Daily Calendar views, if a record is over multiple days, it will now be displayed in the All Day row at the top of the page.
- In Weekly/Daily Calendar Views, a record will now display in the Time Area instead of Day area, even when only 1 Date field is selected.
- In Dashboards, User Lookup Fields will not include field label when Full Name is selected.
Please note that the Database, Dashboards or Records terminology referenced above may appear as another name in your platform as these are customizable terms. You can see examples of what terminology may appear on your site here.
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